Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Recording Holding Tides Part 1

Recording Holding Tides Part 1

Hi Folks! This is a one of a two part post regarding my latest recording of the band Holding Tides! Since i took my camera this time, i took a fair few photos so decided to break it up into 2 posts allowing me to cram lots in!

Through word and mouth i was recommended to the band as a recordists after the Slow Down World project. The band where looking too lay down some Rock & Roll, using primary live takes! Despite anticipation the studio was good to me and there was a fair amount of microphones in stock for me play with!

Set up!

Snare: An AKG C451b and a Senhiser dynamic clip on mic (no idea of model number!). The Akg
was pointed at the rim with the senhiser more towards the middle.

Kick Drum: Akg d112 directly in the middle of the kick drum.

Toms: Both Beyer Dynamic m201s

(Pictures dont show the position very well! )

Overheads-Close Pair: A matched pair of earthworks Er30s.
Overheads-far pair: A matched pair of AKG C414s

After raising the amps of the deck, a shure sm57 and a shure sm57 beta were used respectively on a Kustom Quad channel and a line 6 spider.

The sm57

Bass Guitar.
Dident have a bass amp this time so resorted back to a Di Box.

Still thought i should include a photo :L


Using a condenser the top of the snare did provide me with a different sound. Some what boxy with a little more treble. Combing the 2 microphones together did provide a better result. Though im interested to see what would happen on final mix! Having paper on the snare drum very much changed the sound. It acted a bit like moon gel, but gave the snare a sound found in those old 70s queen recordings!

That's it for now. Will be back with part 2 in the near future! I will leave you with a time lapse video from the session!

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